Ayuda módulo graphics

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Basado en http://web.cs.swarthmore.edu/~adanner/cs21/f09/graphics.php

Icon present.gif
Tip: Graphics es una utilidad pensada en el aprendizaje, no para uso en producción.

Descarga graphics.py y cópialo en el directorio donde crees tus ejercicios.

Un ejemplo

from graphics import *
Next create a new graphics window object, and then create gui objects to draw into this window:
# creates new GraphWin object, 500x500 pixels in size
win = GraphWin("My GUI Program", 500, 500)
# creates a new Circle object centered at 50,50 with a radius of 20 pixels
circ = Circle(Point(50,50), 20)
# invoke the setFill method of the Circle object refered to by circ 
# draw the circ object to the GraphWin win


# class GraphWin
g = GraphWin(title, width, height) #Constructor-makes a new GraphWin object
g.flush()  # update drawing to graphics window
# wait for mouse click and return Point obj representing click location
#Change screen coordinates 
g.setCoords(lowerLeftX, lowerLeftY, upperRightX, upperRightY)


# class Point
p = Point(x, y) #Constructor
otro_p = p.clone()    # create a new Point object that is an exact copy of this one

Métodos comunes a todos los objetos de Graphics

objeto.draw(graphwin):    # Draw the object in graphwin, which should be a 
                   # GraphWin object.  A GraphicsObject may only be drawn 
                   # into one window. 
objeto.move(dx, dy):      # move object dx units in x and dy units in y direction
objeto.setFill(color):    # Set interior color to color
objeto.setOutline(color): # Set outline color to color
objeto.setWidth(width):   # Set line weight to width
objeto.undraw():          # Undraw the object (i.e. hide it). 
objeto.clone():           # Make an exact copy of object and its properties (color, fill, etc.)
== Line==
<source lang="python">
l = Line(p1, p2)
l.move(dx, dy)


# class Rectangle
r = Rectangle( p1, p2)  # p1 and p2 are points for upper left lower rt


# class Circle
c = Circle(p1, radius)       # p1 is a Point at the center of the circle


# class Oval
Oval(p1, p2)       # p1 and p2 are opposite corners of bounding rectangle


# class Polygon
Polygon(<list of points>)
# ej. triángulo: Polygon ([Point(10,20), Point(30,40), Point(10,60)])
getPoints()  # return a list of Points in the polygon


# class Text
t = Text(p, text)  # p is center point and text is string
t = getText()
t = setText(text)
t = setTextColor(color)
t = setFace(family)     # set font face, ex. "arial" "courier"
t = setSize(size)       # set font size (5-36 are legal)    
t = setStyle(style)     # set font style  ex.  "bold" "italic"


# class Entry
e = Entry(pt, width)     # pt is anchor Point (center)
e.getAnchor()          # returns the center Point
e.getText()            # returns the current text
e.setText(string)      # sets the text to string
e.setSize(point)       # sets the found size (5-36 are legal)
e.setStyle(style)      # sets the font style
e.setTextColor(color)  # sets the text color


# Animation
from time import sleep
sleep(0.5) #pause for 0.5 seconds


  • color_rgb(r,g,b)
  • nombres de colores:
alice blue                 240   248   255
AliceBlue                  240   248   255
antique white              250   235   215
AntiqueWhite               250   235   215
AntiqueWhite1              255   239   219
AntiqueWhite2              238   223   204
AntiqueWhite3              205   192   176
AntiqueWhite4              139   131   120
aquamarine                 127   255   212
aquamarine1                127   255   212
aquamarine2                118   238   198
aquamarine3                102   205   170
aquamarine4                 69   139   116
azure                      240   255   255
azure1                     240   255   255
azure2                     224   238   238
azure3                     193   205   205
azure4                     131   139   139
beige                      245   245   220
bisque                     255   228   196
bisque1                    255   228   196
bisque2                    238   213   183
bisque3                    205   183   158
bisque4                    139   125   107
black                        0     0     0
blanched almond            255   235   205
BlanchedAlmond             255   235   205
blue                         0     0   255
blue violet                138    43   226
blue1                        0     0   255
blue2                        0     0   238
blue3                        0     0   205
blue4                        0     0   139
BlueViolet                 138    43   226
brown                      165    42    42
brown1                     255    64    64
brown2                     238    59    59
brown3                     205    51    51
brown4                     139    35    35
burlywood                  222   184   135
burlywood1                 255   211   155
burlywood2                 238   197   145
burlywood3                 205   170   125
burlywood4                 139   115    85
cadet blue                  95   158   160
CadetBlue                   95   158   160
CadetBlue1                 152   245   255
CadetBlue2                 142   229   238
CadetBlue3                 122   197   205
CadetBlue4                  83   134   139
chartreuse                 127   255     0
chartreuse1                127   255     0
chartreuse2                118   238     0
chartreuse3                102   205     0
chartreuse4                 69   139     0
chocolate                  210   105    30
chocolate1                 255   127    36
chocolate2                 238   118    33
chocolate3                 205   102    29
chocolate4                 139    69    19
coral                      255   127    80
coral1                     255   114    86
coral2                     238   106    80
coral3                     205    91    69
coral4                     139    62    47
cornflower blue            100   149   237
CornflowerBlue             100   149   237
cornsilk                   255   248   220
cornsilk1                  255   248   220
cornsilk2                  238   232   205
cornsilk3                  205   200   177
cornsilk4                  139   136   120
cyan                         0   255   255
cyan1                        0   255   255
cyan2                        0   238   238
cyan3                        0   205   205
cyan4                        0   139   139
dark blue                    0     0   139
dark cyan                    0   139   139
dark goldenrod             184   134    11
dark gray                  169   169   169
dark green                   0   100     0
dark grey                  169   169   169
dark khaki                 189   183   107
dark magenta               139     0   139
dark olive green            85   107    47
dark orange                255   140     0
dark orchid                153    50   204
dark red                   139     0     0
dark salmon                233   150   122
dark sea green             143   188   143
dark slate blue             72    61   139
dark slate gray             47    79    79
dark slate grey             47    79    79
dark turquoise               0   206   209
dark violet                148     0   211
DarkBlue                     0     0   139
DarkCyan                     0   139   139
DarkGoldenrod              184   134    11
DarkGoldenrod1             255   185    15
DarkGoldenrod2             238   173    14
DarkGoldenrod3             205   149    12
DarkGoldenrod4             139   101     8
DarkGray                   169   169   169
DarkGreen                    0   100     0
DarkGrey                   169   169   169
DarkKhaki                  189   183   107
DarkMagenta                139     0   139
DarkOliveGreen              85   107    47
DarkOliveGreen1            202   255   112
DarkOliveGreen2            188   238   104
DarkOliveGreen3            162   205    90
DarkOliveGreen4            110   139    61
DarkOrange                 255   140     0
DarkOrange1                255   127     0
DarkOrange2                238   118     0
DarkOrange3                205   102     0
DarkOrange4                139    69     0
DarkOrchid                 153    50   204
DarkOrchid1                191    62   255
DarkOrchid2                178    58   238
DarkOrchid3                154    50   205
DarkOrchid4                104    34   139
DarkRed                    139     0     0
DarkSalmon                 233   150   122
DarkSeaGreen               143   188   143
DarkSeaGreen1              193   255   193
DarkSeaGreen2              180   238   180
DarkSeaGreen3              155   205   155
DarkSeaGreen4              105   139   105
DarkSlateBlue               72    61   139
DarkSlateGray               47    79    79
DarkSlateGray1             151   255   255
DarkSlateGray2             141   238   238
DarkSlateGray3             121   205   205
DarkSlateGray4              82   139   139
DarkSlateGrey               47    79    79
DarkTurquoise                0   206   209
DarkViolet                 148     0   211
deep pink                  255    20   147
deep sky blue                0   191   255
DeepPink                   255    20   147
DeepPink1                  255    20   147
DeepPink2                  238    18   137
DeepPink3                  205    16   118
DeepPink4                  139    10    80
DeepSkyBlue                  0   191   255
DeepSkyBlue1                 0   191   255
DeepSkyBlue2                 0   178   238
DeepSkyBlue3                 0   154   205
DeepSkyBlue4                 0   104   139
dim gray                   105   105   105
dim grey                   105   105   105
DimGray                    105   105   105
DimGrey                    105   105   105
dodger blue                 30   144   255
DodgerBlue                  30   144   255
DodgerBlue1                 30   144   255
DodgerBlue2                 28   134   238
DodgerBlue3                 24   116   205
DodgerBlue4                 16    78   139
firebrick                  178    34    34
firebrick1                 255    48    48
firebrick2                 238    44    44
firebrick3                 205    38    38
firebrick4                 139    26    26
floral white               255   250   240
FloralWhite                255   250   240
forest green                34   139    34
ForestGreen                 34   139    34
gainsboro                  220   220   220
ghost white                248   248   255
GhostWhite                 248   248   255
gold                       255   215     0
gold1                      255   215     0
gold2                      238   201     0
gold3                      205   173     0
gold4                      139   117     0
goldenrod                  218   165    32
goldenrod1                 255   193    37
goldenrod2                 238   180    34
goldenrod3                 205   155    29
goldenrod4                 139   105    20
green                        0   255     0
green yellow               173   255    47
green1                       0   255     0
green2                       0   238     0
green3                       0   205     0
green4                       0   139     0
GreenYellow                173   255    47

[/ejercicios graphics Ejercicios con Graphics]