WikiEducator:Portal de la comunidad
Esta página requiere ser traducida al Español Tu ayuda y retroalimentación son bienvenidos. Por favor consulta la página del Equipo de Traducción. |
Trabajo en proceso, espera cambios frecuentes. Tu ayuda y retroalimentación son bienvenidos. Ver página de charlas. |
Notas de traducción
- Crear Grupo de debates en español.
- Actualizar la lista de Cosas por hacer.
Saludos desde la Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Español, ¿en qué estado se encuentra el proyecto? --Asmarin 16:26 14 abr 2009 (UTC)
Things to do
- Create more general use templates like these and Document how to use them in the Wikieducator tutorial
- Identify content pages requiring images by using the Image needed template
- Reduce the number of pages in the Needs Categorisation category.
- Help us find free content images on the Pages needing images list.
- Apply to work on a Bounty.
- Provide feedback on our draft Governance Policy by posting on the talk page.
- Help us design and restructure access to WikiEducator content on the Ideas4Content Page
- Visit our Wishlist page for a growing list of community needs.
- Develop new design templates that standardize the input of newly designed materials to a certain point, giving it a unique WikiEducator look. These templates allow for add-ons to support the developer's uniqueness, so leave some room for individuality.
- Develop a style guide for WikiEducator similar to that of Wikipedia.
- Establish a editorial board for Wikieducator (or will this be part of the WE Council's duties).
- Establish a rotating and/or changing Pool of Quality Reviewers (instructional designer pool), who would assure the quality of uploaded materials and that its set standards are met.
- Develop a software that allows photos in the Wiki to be resized directly in the Wiki.
- Develop additional pedagogical templates as the scope is limited.
- Create a navigation tool that allows to navigate from one page to the next without using the "back" or "Forward" button.
Additional Lists
There is also an email list for discussion on scholarly research of open educational resources. Please join us here.
WikiEducators w/ Blogs
Leigh Blackall - Learn Online
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Randy Fisher - Community builder
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Steve Foerster -
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Steven Parker - Network Learning
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Nellie Deutsch - Connecting Online
Bookmarks tag: wikieducator (
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