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WikiEds are around the world; always someone is awake
2048px-Contact-new.svg.png Phil Bartle
Sitio Web:
Ocupación:Fresh Air Inspector
Otras actividades:Fundador del Colectivo de Potenciación Comunitaria
País:Flag of Canada.svg Canadá
Center Este usuario ha sido certificado como WikiBuddy por Pschlicht .
Este usuario es WikiVecino
en WikiEducator.

Mi perfil


My Sandbox

Featured L4C Participant


Phil's Rants

My thoughts from time to time about WikiEducator and its community

  • Happy to hear that Sweden elected one seat to the Pirate Party in the European Parliament this weekend. The Pirate Party is opposed to the current spread of copyright, especially for non commercial ideas (Culture and Knowledge). --Phil Bartle 14:10, 8 June 2009 (UTC)
  • As educational institutions are becoming more and more like corporations, thus less and less like educational institutions, as education becomes commodified, there is a growing confusion between the concepts of copyright and patent. Somehow the institutions want to keep copyright over new ideas created by their educators, like a corporation, in order to make a profit from them. So called "intellectual property." But there is no profit, only an ideological mind set. The CC by SA concept of the wikis, is a healthy counterbalance to that. Let ideas be free and open.--Phil Bartle 22:29, 6 June 2009 (UTC)
  • Date: Wed, Jun 3 2009 2:11 am, From: Peter When I first came across Phil s' work I couldn't help but have a big smile on my face. I like his tag line of "No rest for the WikiEd". I know of a saying "No rest for the wicked." I wonder how these two relate ;) As I further explored Phil's work I was encouraged by his works in making WikiEducator available in four languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese & French). He may not be doing the translation himself, yet he is making things happen. Also, take a look around all of Phil s' profile sub-pages so much great work in bring references and resources together. It is with great pleasure to award Phil Bartle the June 2009 featured user page. Congratulations, Phil.
  • Date: Wed, Jun 3 2009 4:52 am. From: Phil Bartle Well it is certainly humbling to be named June's UPE. Thanks, Guys. The "No Rest for The WikiEd" came from something Nellie and Patricia were saying during an on line aural discussion, We are now so many around the world that somewhere some of us are awake. The real quote is from the Jewish - Christian bible, "No rest for the wicked," and if you want the citation, look at my user page in edit mode. I am not trying to compete for things, I am retired and enjoying the marvelous way to spend the time. I am having fun with WikiEd, and it is not just a honeymoon. Then again there is something delightfully and innocently subversive about what we are doing, destroying the intellectual property approach of the corporations as applied to educational material, so maybe we are "wicked." If the coach does the pushups, The athlete will not get stronger Phil Bartle 12:29, 4 June 2009 (UTC)


Contactos frecuentes

Our little band, y amig@s de Potenciacion Comunitaria

1 2 3
Iulia Bulibasa Hélia DezimahataLory Phil Bartle
Shamsi Sohrab Kieran Groeger Jibril Touzi
Cristina Varela María Seijo Inês Pinto
Élodie Chatlais Valerie Taylor
Amig@s: Gladys Gahona

Comentarios de mis Wikivecinos

Please put your comments on the Discussion Page. Click on the discussion tab at the top of this page.--Phil Bartle 03:07 3 may 2009 (UTC)

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