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Center Este usuario ha sido certificado como WikiBuddy por Nelliemuller .
Plantilla:User WikiNeighbour

Today is: 28, septiembre 2024

Welcome WikiEducators,

My name is Gladys Gahona. Born in Mérida, Yucatán, México. I live in Cancun, México since 1984. I am a private teacher on Mathematics, Chemistry and Phsyics.

In 1981 I graduated in Chemical Engineering from Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán In 2002 I postgraduated in Technology Management from Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.

At college I had the opportunity to be assitant of several academic researchers. I learned lots from them on topics like collaborating projects with Universities from other countries.

By economic needs, started teaching math at a secondary school. Since then I got hooked on teaching. The knowledge I've achieved on teaching has being all by myself. I've been working hard.

I love working with all kind of people who needs counseling on MFQ (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry). I tutor generally young people, secondary level or medium level. Helping them with their homeworks, or preparing them for examinations. There is a special group I love to work with, adult people. They are confident and enthusiastic learners, they always give the best of them. They know the value of time.

¿Doubts?¿Questions?¿Suggestions?¿English grammar mistakes?... Please let me know (English or Spanish) <-- Take a look at My sandbox

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Go vote for Wikieducator at The edublog Awards

Areas of expertise

  • I've been on teaching activities since 1976. I started teaching Maths to kids on a secondary school. At that time I started working an my Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán assisting on several researching activities and colaborative jobs with people from many different countries.
  • On computing topics I've been using several applications:
    • MSDOS
    • Windows on all versions (except Windows Vista)
    • Microsoft Office
    • Adobe Suites (Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash CS3, Illustrator, Photoshop)
    • Web developing (HTML and CSS)
    • Open Office
    • Software for business management
  • About Web 2.0 Technologies
    • Blogging
    • Networking on Xing, Facebook, LinkedIn, Hi5, etc.
    • Now I'm discovering Ning
    • Image's sharing networks like Flickr, ImageHack, Picassa Google
    • Paper's sharing networks like SlideShare, Scribd, WiziQ, AutorStream
    • Media sharing networks like YouTube, TeacherTube, GoogleVideo,
    • And now I'm introducing into the Wikis. One day Nellie said Wikipedia is infectious. She's absolutely right.
  • I do love Maths, Chemistry and Physics. Don't know why... But I'm certain one of the most important reasons is because I had excellent teachers, most of them I still remember and honour them.


Some resources

Related to my job I've produced some flash videos and papers:


My First experience with Wiki language (Spanish Version)

Confieso que, después de estar usando por tantos años la comodísima interfase gráfica característica de sistemas operativos tales como Windows y MacOS, el tener la necesidad de regresar a un lenguaje de comandos ha sido para mí como pasar de un vehículo semiautomático a uns moderna versión de "troncomóvil". Sin embargo de ninguna manera ésto es una queja, es mas bien un felíz regreso a mis memorables épocas del Tandy Radio Shack Modelo II con la que únicamente podía comunicarme a través del MSDOS, y cuyo único lenguaje de programación era el lenguaje BASIC. Nada de imágenes, discos duros, monitores a color, y el único ratón era un gracioso peludo con quien me enfrascaba en feroces batallas para evitar que clavara sus dientes en los cables.

Why WikiEducator?

WikiNeighbour - WikiApprentice - WikiBuddy

Well, I'm enrolled and doing my best at the WE E-Learning 4 Content 15. Gaining knowledge, friends, self-confidence on talking and writing in English. I was recently honored by Patricia S. on the title of WikiNeighbour Thank you Patricia and Nellie. You both are great great people. Well, I guess this means a bunch of nice activities to do. Now I'm wikiapprentice 2. This is getting more interesting. Keep going. (Sometimes I talk to myself.) Yes!!! Now I'm a Wikibuddy. Ok let's work harder.

Still not sure about a particular topic of the project I'm committed to deliver by late January 2009.

Log of my Workshop EL4C15

At my Log of the EL4C15 Workshop page you will find the instructions for each day, tips, key points, reflexions and the activities I developed.


Professional interests

  • Mastering ESL as the way to gain opportunities to reach more learners on my teaching subjects.
  • Building my capacities for developing e-learning programmes and courses.
  • I'm interested on working on OERs and collaborating with experts on creating them.
  • I'm interested on Free textbook and handbook Projects.
  • Offering my capacities on translating WikiEducator content to Spanish language. Also producing Spanish language original content.
  • Mastering Wiki Technology.

Personal interests

I'm socially and ecologically committed to my environment.

I love absolutely everything related to sea life: scuba diving, snorkeling, sailing, fishing, swimming, sunrises, sunsets.

Billiarist: My husband and I enjoy playing 8 Ball.

Web Resources

Plantilla:Web Resources

México lindo y querido...

... si muero lejos de tí

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Book List

Ok, this is part of Activity 5: I have created a new page: Lista de Libros ¡Bravooo!

[[[Muchas gracias Gladys! Al final encontré el comando en mi teclado! Un abrazo Yolande]]--Yolande 22:21, 2 December 2008 (UTC)