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Phil's Rants
My thoughts from time to time about WikiEducator and its community
- As educational institutions are becoming more and more like corporations, thus less and less like educational institutions, as education becomes commodified, there is a growing confusion between the concepts of copyright and patent. Somehow the institutions want to keep copyright over new ideas created by their educators, like a corporation, in order to make a profit from them. So called "intellectual property." But there is no profit, only an ideological mind set. The CC by SA concept of the wikis, is a healthy counterbalance to that. Let ideas be free and open.--Phil Bartle 22:29, 6 June 2009 (UTC)
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Please put your comments on the Discussion Page. Click on the discussion tab at the top of this page.--Phil Bartle 03:07 3 may 2009 (UTC)
Trabajo en proceso, espera cambios frecuentes. Tu ayuda y retroalimentación son bienvenidos. Ver página de charlas.