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Revisión de 17:33 27 mar 2009


2048px-Contact-new.svg.png Gladys Gahona
Sitio Web:Asesor MFQ
Ocupación:Profesor privado
Otras actividades:Estudiante
País:Flag of Mexico.svg México
Certificate blue.svg Este usuario ha sido certificado como WikiArtisan por Anil Prasad.
Este usuario es WikiVecino
en WikiEducator.

Today is: 21, septiembre 2024

Bienvenidos WikiEducators,

Hola soy Gladys Gahona. Nací en Mérida, Yucatán, México. Actualmente vivo en Cancun, México desde el año 1984. Soy maestra particvular de Matemáticas, Física y Química.

In 1981 I graduated in Chemical Engineering from Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. In 2002 I postgraduated in Technology Management from Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. At college I had the opportunity to be assitant of several academic researchers. I learned lots from them on topics like collaborating projects with Universities from other countries.

Due to economic necessity, started teaching math at a secondary school. Since then I got hooked on teaching. The knowledge I've achieved on teaching has being all by myself. I've been working hard. I love working with all kind of people who needs counseling on MFQ (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry).

I tutor generally young people, secondary level & early tertiary level. Helping them with their homeworks, or preparing them for examinations. There is a special group I love to work with, adult people. They are confident and enthusiastic learners, they always give the best of them. They already know the value of time.

¿Dudas? ¿Preguntas? ¿Sugerencias? ...

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  • You sure are a lot of help to me and my eccentric objetives. --Philbartle 04:30 26 mar 2009 (UTC) Philbartle 15:01, 12 March 2009 (UTC).