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OER (Recursos Educativos Abierto)
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Los sermones de Phil
Si el entrenador realiza las flexiones,
El atleta no se hará más fuerte
Traducido por Cristina Varela
Mis pensamientos ocasionales sobre el WikiEducador y su comunidad
- Education and Empowerment. An important element of the reasoning behind community empowerment is that charity weakens. If we do everything for a poor community, then it does not get stronger. It becomes dependent upon our charity. This is not universal. There are times and places where charity is necessary and does not weaken. During a disaster, emergency response requires charity to ensure the people can survive (but it must end when it should). If a person becomes blind, it would be charity to read to that person, and that does not make the person more dependent. Most of the Aid to Africa, especially bilateral (government to government), in contrast, is based on charity, and it encourages corruption, inefficiency, and it releases more resources for war and oppression.
- When we support open and free education, are we contributing to charity which weakens? We should think about this, because WikiEd and similar endeavors now comprise a major thrust in providing education which is free. I do not think so. There is charity and there is charity. The young of animals need nurturing until they become adults, and the higher up the phylum, the more complex they are, the more nurturing they need. Humans now need education to survive (and to reproduce physically and culturally). Education has been available to the privileged of the world, and it has not weakened them, to the best of my knowledge. If we nurture the young and vulnerable, allow them to play and grow strong and skilled, then they will develop the strength they need to carry on to reproduce.
- The OER (Open Educational Resources) that are made available freely on sites like WikiEducator, provide the tools to allow the young to play and get skilled, no matter in what part of the world they originate and, most importantly, in spite of the historical disadvantages they might have had. --Phil Bartle 03:25, 21 July 2009 (UTC)
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Por favor, escribe tus comentarios en la sección de Debates. Pincha en "Debate" en la parte superior de esta página.--Phil Bartle 03:07 3 may 2009 (UTC)